Saturday, August 7, 2010

it's been a while.........

Life has happend, and it happend fast. New Years came and just when I was comfortable with writting 2010 on my checks summer dissapeared. We are only here for a brief moment and if we are not careful it will slip away. Although I dislike being busy, God has put me in a family with very active children. Running here and there, staying out of town for weekends/weeks at a time, moving things around, starting a new business, booths at festivals, and just taking care of the BASIC household needs has opened a new chapter in my life. I've always wanted to live SIMPLE and I've realized that I would have to work hard to make it SIMPLE.

If you don't need's out. If you don't wear it..........someone else can. If you "THINK" you will use won't........and it's out also. Live for today, not for "IF TOMORROW".

Although I though I enjoyed being with my children ALL DAY LONG, I am really enjoying it now. I am taking the time to live in their worlds. Collecting rocks......looking at which ones each child likes, Reading books and loving their faces as they wait for the next line........letting them help me more in the kitchen.....and just simply laying side by side with them in a tickle I don't want to miss a thing!

The past is in the past and God will take away bad memories, bad moments, bad hormones ;o) etc. God takes care of the past so that we can move on to the future with No Regrets!!! God has now blessed you on to the next chapter of life. O JOY!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I was sipping my coffee and having my one on one with Jesus this morning when he spoke to my heart!

As all mothers know, when you are sick everything falls out around you! Your husband, children, house and simply everything else as if the previous wasn't enough. I promised myself that I would stay in bed and take care of myself no matter what the cost!! Well, let me just say that I paid plenty, but not nearly as much as Jesus did on the cross.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, God told me last week that I was "exactly where I needed to be" and today he showed me why.

"We must learn to speak to the angels. Turn to them now; tell your guardian angel that these spiritual waters of Lent will not flow off your soul but will go deep, because you are sorry. Ask them to take up to the Lord your good will, which, by the grace of God, has grown out of your wretchedness like a lily grown on a dunghill." (J. Escriv'a, In Conversation with God p:42)

I am the lily that He has grown through all of the pains of this world. Our world as we know it, is not what He planned for us. We are so broken and so turned around that to some of us it seems we will never get it back. Abortion, Feminism, Selfishness, Righteousness and the list goes on from there. How could He prove to me or anyone else that He is God and He loves us. He would "grow a lily out of a dunghill"

Years ago, while I was in Church, I closed my eyes and saw Mary standing before me with a little girl dressed as a bride. It was as if She was presenting the little bride to me. Years later, Mary placed in my path the "The Little Lilies of the Eucharist" in which I prepared for, and became a Little Lily last summer. Shortly following, this blog came about and then I started my ministry, Lilies of the Valley.

He has prepared a way for me! My path is through the Valley! My path is lined with Lilies and these Lilies are my reminders of His love for me. I will pick from the Valley, fresh Lilies, everyday until He comes for me, and this will be a token of my love for Him.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

throwing in the towel

I was just looking through some drafts (post I have not posted) and I came across this one. I guess I was in a rough spot a few days ago and needed to vent :)

it's time......oh it's way pass time, but I'm going to throw in the towel. It's worn, faded, ripped, full of holes and barely able to absorb the tears rolling down my face.

The towel that I have held so tight in the grips of my hands has to be put to rest. I've hidden behind it and I've wiped blood, sweat and tears with it.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about letting go and letting GOD. No matter how far I've come there are still many many of miles to go. One step forward and three steps back. I'm tired and I've grown weary. What a blessing for God to bring me to my knees so I can see exactly where I am. I'm heart is hard...........but I'm so full of love. How can this be? Past life experiences. The way I was raised. Not horribly, but now the way I would want my children to be raised. But still, after all of this, I do it over again.

Sometimes I wonder what God is doing when he tells me that "I'm exactly where I need to be." WHAT?

Friday, January 15, 2010

a new year and a new start

When the new year rolls around people are always asking what are you giving up? What are you going to change? At these times, I find myself searching deep within to find the ultimate resolution.

Perhaps I'm a bit different. Perhaps God forgot to place within me that constant drive....that firmness that will not let me stray from my resolutions. By the 5th of the year I'm usually sulking in the misery that I'm unable to change. I can't keep up anything long enough to make a difference..............UNTIL NOW!!!

If I was the one who created me.............then I would be able to reach inside and grab my tool bag to adjust the needed areas in my life that needed adjusting. I am not the great "I AM" but I have been created in His Image and likeness! When I turn to him ~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 ~

So what did I resolve to do differently this year? I've decided that I will give to HIM everything HE gave to me, and HE will teach me what I need to learn and what HE needs me to do. I am nothing without HIM!

NOTE: To Live as St. Francis did..............I'm still working on wonder they said that it would be a long process! But I do truly believe that the book has helped me to get to where I am right at this moment! God Bless all of you!

My next post will be the HEAD and the HEART and how a family cannot function to do God's will for their lives if they are disconnected.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

move over P.E.T.A..............

Here comes P.R.O.L.I.F.E.

I love family loves animals...........REALLY..........we love animals............but if I see that commercial one more time, I'm going to loose it! For just $19 dollars a month you can save animals.........but what about the unborn babies that so many people conceive while drowning themselves in their passions. Let's just murder them??? The animals are more important??? "if these animals could speak????? Excuse me???? God didn't give them a voice for a reason! People, where are our priorities????? What about all those innocent lives that HAVE VOICES if left alone to be born!!!!! We NEVER get to hear from them............and I'm sure that $19 dollars a month would help those mothers and fathers to get educated on the issue of NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING..................or ABSTINENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I watch Fox news often and that commercial plays often...........come on fox............if you going to claim that you are fair and balanced...........let's get some PRO LIFE commercial going. Let's put an end to Abortion!!

I'm truly sorry for my tone, but it really hits me below the belt time after time when the commercial comes on! I truly think God wanted me to speak out against it. Again, I love animals and I will do what I can to help them. But I will lay my life on the line to see, IN MY DAY AND AGE, an end to abortion!


God have mercy on me, as sinner!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

oh joy.........more dirt to share

To Live as Francis Lived, Reflection 1,

Question 3 - What attitude in you has been the greatest hindrance to deepening your love of God?......(sigh).......................(dragging my feet)............Oh alright...........I'll come out with it!!!

~NUMBER 1......Sometimes I think I am so perfect that when my beloved husband ask me a bothers me that I have to answer!
~NUMBER 2........when my children ask for a drink of some kind, it bothers me that I have to put aside what I WANT to do and tend to them!
~NUMBER 3.......ME....ME.....ME.........ME!!! Need I say more?

Who am I? Who is it that I think I am? I know this all sounds harsh.....but if you think about it for a while........we all do this at times. Sometimes more often than others. We are all human. We are not good people..........only God is good! He calls us to be Holy as He is holy, but He also knows that in this world, with this flesh, it will not be complete until we are face to face with Him. Until there is no stain of sin. We ARE BLESSED! He knew that I would go around stomping my feet........feeling all superior! But he still gave Himself up for me! unappreciative me! selfish me! Why? Because of something that we are incapable of having unless we deny ourselves and that my friend is ........UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.........only HE can fully love a miserable sinner like me!

Praise God that I do not sit and sulk in my misery.........I know that I am imperfect. I know that my journey will be a tough one. We are called to be servants. "He came to serve, not be served"............So, I will serve my family and anyone else he ask me to serve and I will fight my imperfections till the very end. Why, because I find my strength in HIM. He loves me so much that He awaits us in the Tabernacle every minute of the day to visit with Him. Just to talk. Just to see how things are going. Just to pray with me. Just to take away all of my burdens if I choose to leave them with Him. You see, He gives me a choice. That's Love. He gave Himself up for me on the Cross so that by His BODY and BLOOD one day I may be spared. He gave me a beautiful role model to follow..............His Mother and our Mother Mary. Why Mary, because he knows that as humans we can better understand the love of a mother than a love who is WILLING to DIE on a CROSS for US! My Mother Mary will wrap me in her Mantle and guide me to her beloved Son Jesus, not for her glory but for the Glory of the Father with whom all things (like us) were made. Not my will Father, but YOURS be done!! Amen! I love you Jesus!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

new beginnings

2nd question ~ What mistakes have you made in the past that have kept you from God?

Well, what first comes to mind is.........taking my eye off of the prize. God gives us a gift every morning when our eyes open...........that is the gift of life.............and with that gift we are called to love.........I've allowed distractions to come in and rob me of that precious time to love and be loved by Him and others. What distractions? Pride and Anger are jumping out at me right now!

The need to be acknowledged! wow, that can speak volumes. We shouldn't look for acceptance here on earth and we shouldn't put all our trust in humans! This is where I've gone wrong lately and in the past. Matt 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well." We are humans and therefore we are sinners. The battle is on from this moment on. Which will you feed.........the sin or the virtue? Today I choose the Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity. My faith of steadfastness in the belief of the world to come, Hope of not giving up under continuous battle from this world and selfless and unconditional Charity of loving everyone as I love my savior Jesus Christ! May God continue to bless all of you!

Monday, November 23, 2009

my new journey to Chirst

For a while now, I've been saying that I wanted to live simple, be simple, eat simple...........and just simply BE! Well here I go!!

My Favorite Saint is St. Francis of Assisi, and I've pray his peace prayer often so I decided to learn To Live as Francis Lived. I'll use this blog for my journal entries and hopefully it will inspire others to become more like Christ. I already know that this journey will be tough...........anytime you want to become more like have to deny yourself! Let me just say..............I have lots of faults and short comings. But the decision is made. I want to one day be a Saint in heaven and there is no other way of becoming one!

This book ~ To Live as Francis Lived, "will lead you to a closer life with Jesus Christ. Through a process of prayer, reflection, study texts, questions and connections to Scripture, you will be formed in the Franciscan way of life as Francis lived it in his own time."

Reflection 1 ~ Beginning Again
"Let us begin to do good, for as yet we have done little." ~ Saint Francis

1st Question ~ In what ways do you hope to deepen your love of God?

I feel like lately, I'm not giving Him enough quiet time. Only in this time of silently listening to the Holy Spirit can I be aware of what His will is for my life. I've been too busy for Him and I am ashamed! To deepen my love for God I want to put Him first in my life again! I will work on a set schedule to pray and have one on one time with Him. I will set this schedule this week and post it!

Life sometimes gets in the way if we let it! I am to blame when I don't give Him the time He needs to renew my soul. Thank you Jesus for NEW BEGINNINGS!

God Bless all of you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today, I have a challenge for everyone.

When I was on a retreat with Fr. Frey, he told us to say "YES" to Jesus right then and there. No matter what He is asking of us, just say "YES".

Say "YES" to Jesus right now before you even know what He will ask of you! If you need an example of a woman who has taken on this very challenge before you, her name is Mary! Ask our Blessed Mother to accompany you on this journey and she will! God bless all of you!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

falling leaves

Have you ever watched Autumn leaves fall to the ground? None of them fall straight down to the ground purposely destroying what's underneath. They ride the wind, flipping , swirling, swaying from side to side and ever so lightly they reach their destination.

God's grace is the wind beneath our wings and if allowed He will take us on journey after journey to becoming purified and made Holy. When a leaf touches another tree, a roof top, a car, a swing etc. it is making a brief stop on its path where it is being purified from its faults and short comings . Floating on God's grace from destination to destination is God's way of bringing us back to Himself. He is a jealous God and He wants us back. Our Goal is to keep afloat and stay in God's graces so our journey towards or inevitable worldly end will be a glorious and triumphant one. Enjoy the breeze!

Friday, October 23, 2009


"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." ~Matthew 19:24

When it comes to "Sowing" their are many different ways of completing your Heavenly Garment. Sometimes we get off track and forget where we last started off! This can cause lots of unraveling. I know I get overwhelmed when I am on overload. If we make a firm resolution to start each day in prayer, the rest of the day will fall into place and less stress will consume you. When we have our "Sowing" kits in order, it is easy to make reparations.

The very basic "Sowing" kit can be this simple. Keep God in a prominent place so He doesn't get lost under all the different threads. Secondly, make sure all of your "Quilting Squares" (Vocational responsibilities, such as your spouse first then your children etc....) are in place. When "sown" in order, the pattern is clearly seen and makes for a wonderful peaceful witness. Thirdly, your needles (work). If God is still in that prominent place these needles will help you to gather every loose end you come in contact with. (co-workers, friends, family etc.) We all have our snags, but if we live the gospel as Christ has asked us to we can help Him to gather more "sowers" for a complete work of art! May God bless all of you!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

everyone loves a good tote bag

(19" x 15" x 6")
Someone very sweet, designed this bag for me.
I may use them as gifts.

Two freshly picked "Rosaries" From the Lilies of the Valley

I haven't posted them on my shop yet, It takes me a little time to write the descriptions! I am also working a few pieces of jewelry, I just have to add the finishing touches and get pictures taken! Thanks to all of you who have supported us on our new ministry. To God be the Glory!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I guess I'm growing

It seems like not so long ago I was smack dab in the middle of the rainy season. I can still feel a few drops here and there but for the most part, deep down in the valley, the only water I see is the constant river of grace that keeps me company. I've come to this one garden of mine that has been overgrown for some time and the weeding has become a bit overwhelming. Every time you think you've gotten down to the root of the problem, a sprout shows his not so pretty little head. I have many different types of weeds in this garden. The most prominent weed is smothering my Day Lilies. Every day God gives us graces and if we don't ask for them, or even if we do ask for them and don't accept them with an open and willing heart, they can be quickly taken over by distractions. I find myself "OFTEN" drifting off on a different path, that is not my own, and I see beautiful flowers, but they seem to keep my mind away from my own. My vase is filled with God's beautiful creations and it is placed at His altar. That is where my Heart needs to be. Doing God's will for your life doesn't necessarily mean that it will be easy! Your bucket of weeds may be heavy, but if you don't pay close attention to the watering, cutting back, fertilizing and weeding you may find yourself heavily burdened with unwanted weeds and a wilting spirit. Every thing you need has been given to you. Search deep down inside, within that quite little garden, and God will renew and enliven you beyond belief.

Fall is here! This is the time of year that we need to FALL on our knees and ask God to help us with our daily burdens. Ask Him to lead you to the garden of His choice. "Show me Lord what it is that is keeping me away from Your Will!" May God bless you all abundantly on your path!

"Prayer is to our soul what rain is to the soil. Fertilize the soil ever so richly, it will remain barren unless fed by frequent rains."
~ St. John Marie Vianney

In the Valley I grow

Sometimes live seems hard to bare
full of sorrow, trouble and woe,
It's then I have to remember
...that it's in the valleys I grow.
If I always stayed on the mountain top
...and never experienced pain,
I would never appreciate God's love
and would be living in vain.
I have so much to learn,
and my growth is very slow.
Sometimes I need the mountain tops,
but it's in the valleys I grow.
I do not always understand
why things happen as they do,
but I am very sure of one thing,
My Lord will see me through.
My little valleys are nothing,
when I picture Christ on the cross.
He went through the valley of death,
His victory was satan's loss.
Forgive me Lord for complaining,
when I'm feeling so very low.
Just give me a gentle reminder,
that it's in the valleys I grow.
Continue to strengthen me, Lord
and use my life each day.
To share your love with others,
and help them find their way.
Thank you for the valleys, Lord,
for this one thing I know.
the mountain tops are glorious,
but it's in the valleys I grow.
~Tracy Mayfield

Thursday, October 15, 2009

just blessed

We are still here. I haven't posted in a while, but my ministry is keeping me busy. Good sign, but my season of writing in a journal has changed to having plastic fingers. Wire wrapping Rosaries is hard on the hands, but God designed our skin to repair itself so I'm not worried. He always takes care of the little details. We are truly blessed.

Danny loves school, and he loves working with the little ones too. A man needs to feel needed and when they ask him for help with their math his eyes light up! I'm amazed at how well they are all doing. Even Drake can keep up with the rest of them.

The Lilies of the Valley ministry is going well. I just joined the ETSY Rosary Guild which is a group of 64 ladies now that share their faith, rosary making and business skills. It is so wonderful to have the support you need when you are starting a new journey. Alice has been wonderful. Every time her phone rings or checks her email I'm sure her family hears a slight sigh.

The other day I was thinking!!! YEP!!! that's a scary thing!!! :-P Well, what if I could start an organization to help others. I've always wanted to do something that my children could be involved in. So Project HOPE came to mind. Now I did no research and I have no clue if there is one out there.........but I was thinking
HOPE..........H handing.........O out.............P prayer.........E everywhere. If any of you have an idea let me know! It just all came to mind at once and I have no clue what to do with it. Eventually when my ministry starts to pay for itself I would love to donate a percentage to a worthy cause. I'm looking for ideas..........does anyone out there have something on their mind that they would like to do? Email me and maybe we can get something rolling..............It has to be all for GOD! I will not work for anyone else!!!

God bless all of you!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shout outs

1st and foremost I want to say THANK YOU JESUS for this wonderful journey you have our family on. It's hard to find the words to express the changes that are going on under our roof. There is more laughter, peace, sharing, building up and the list goes on. It truly is amazing.

2nd I want to thank ALL of our Family and Friends for supporting us during this time in our lives. Major changes have happened and your love, gifts and prayers have carried us through.

3rd I want to thank God for inspiring my husband to get me started in this new ministry and Alice and Annie for giving me the tools and support I needed to start it up. Words cannot explain the appreciation I feel for ALL of your endless hours of sharing. May God bless you 100 fold.

We were all created in HIS image and likeness and HE has given us all special gifts to GLORIFY HIS name. Let us continue to share what He gave us and make this world a better place. God Bless all of you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

our mistakes are someone's blessings

Yesterday I posted a passage from Jeremiah. Why? Usually when I pray, I take out my bible and ask God to show me what he wants me learn. Then I take my bible and close my eyes and just open it. So I did that yesterday and I ended up opening to Jeremiah. Well, a few minutes ago I was making, what I thought to be a conversion chaplet, and my 3 year old sat down beside me, picked up the remote control, turned on the TV and put it on a channel we never watch and sat down. It was a christian channel. The lady on the program was reading and talking about the book of JEREMIAH. She was saying things about our CALL. We are all created for God and we all have our own gifts that God gave to us. When we use those gifts we glorify God. So here I am in disbelief and looking at my 3 year old wondering which room Jesus appeared to him to tell him to come and put the TV anyway...........He gets up and goes to play so I keep listening. She was talking about how we judge each other and how people call each other names not knowing the real value of that person. Well..........I'm still making SOMETHING.........and she said........OUR MISTAKES ARE SOMEONES BLESSINGS! I stopped right there and looked down. Like I said before, I THOUGHT I was making a conversion chaplet, but when I realized what I was doing it was all wrong. I made 2 of them this week and this was nothing like it was supposed to be. OK, this is where I took a deep breath!!!! I got up and went to my little book and I said, God if this is something you wanted me to make you have to show me what it is...............and boy did He show me!!! He has been speaking to me about making an Our Lady of Guadalupe chaplet and I've been putting it off! Really, I've been putting it off because I didn't have the medal I needed and just wanted to make what "I" wanted to make. I had made a CHAPLET OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE!! The correct number of beads and the beads were in the correct places. For those of you who aren't familiar with Chaplets. Each Chaplet is different. Each chaplet can be used for different Saints and prayer intentions. The number of beads and arrangements of those beads can differ.

Before I typed up this post for my blog I went to Jeremiah and read. "Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write all the words I have spoken to you in a book. For behold, the days will come, says the LORD, when I will change the lot of my people, and bring them back to the land which I gave to their fathers; they shall have it as their possession. (Jeremiah 30:2-3)

There are many times I feel prompted to write things down that I get in prayer and I have always wanted to keep a journal to one day leave behind for my children and their children. God is doing a mighty work within everyone right now. All we have to do is be open. "Be not affraid" His plans for us more glorious than anything we can imagine. I DO NOT claim to be more than I already am. A child of God thriving to do His work. God bless............and keep the faith!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

our smallest needs

before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
before you were born I dedicated you,
a prophet to the nations I appointed you.
Jeremiah 1:5
Before we were born, God knew all of our needs. He knows the smallest desires of our heart. The unspoken needs that we look over. He knows them! Do you realize this? Everything that goes on in your head, He knows. Everything good and bad..........He knows. You cannot hide anything from Him. I want to share something with you that happened here two weeks ago. It was 3am and Dylan woke me up. Drake vomited in the bed and needed me. So as all moms do, I ran to the room and got the situation in order. I cleaned Drake up and made sure he was alright and put him in the living room with Dylan. I pulled the sheets off the bed and put them to wash. I cleaned the mattress. Then I looked for my can of Lysol. I thought, if this is a virus I have to get a handle on it. Well, I could not find it. I looked for at least 20 minutes. I could picture in my head the places it could be and I turned up nothing. Well, by then I was wide awake, so I sat down at my computer and worked on my ETSY shop. About 6:30 I decided I needed a nap. By then Drake had made it back to my bed and Danielle was in it also. I made room and went to sleep only to be woken up a few minutes later by pushing and poking. I took my pillow and placed it at the foot of my bed and grabbed my quilt and covered up and went to sleep. When I woke up the can of LYSOL that I was looking for was placed by my pillow staring at me! NO ONE KNEW I WAS LOOKING FOR IT! EVERYONE WAS ASLEEP!!!! I do not, and I repeat do not care one bit if you think I am crazy!!!!!! I know someone from above placed that can by my pillow while I was asleep. God is SO good to us and He wants us to know that He is there to meet all of our needs. Spoken and UNSPOKEN! "Be still and know that I am God" (psalms 46:10) We are not here for our own needs, we are here to fulfill His and He is going to make it possible and give us all the tools. Even the smallest of our needs like my can of Lysol. May God bless all of you!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Endeavors

Years ago before Drew was born, I took up jewelry and Rosary making. I had to put it behind me at the time because little beads and little children do not mix. Some of you probably remember the beads in the nose story.......well it was quite interesting blowing beads out of Danielle's nose through her mouth!!!!!! (YEAH I KNOW) Well Danny asked me if I would consider making them again so I can bring in a little extra income while he is going to school. Of course I said YES! The picture above is just a sample of what I will be offering. I'm starting up an ETSY shop, so if anyone is interested in purchasing Rosaries, Tenners, Chaplets and other religious beads send me an email and when my web page is up and running I'll send you there. Anything to glorify God is something I'm interested in.
Lilies of the Valley is the name of my business, so I will hang a little lily from each piece as my personal signature. I hope you'll enjoy them.